Hover effect using border

19.04.01 #lessons

Here's a technique I like to use for creating more visually creative hover effects...

Hover Over Me

How is it done ? With borders and pseudo elements actually, lets walk through it. 😃

The Steps

1. The html/css

Let's start with:

<div id="hover-border">Hover Over Me</div>

A breakdown of what we are doing with these properties/values ...

#hover-border What it means
position:relative; This will control where the upcoming ::before element will place itself (We'll see this in a sec).
display: inline; Is used so that the size of the element will only be as large as the content itself.

2. The ::before element

Every html element has two not-so-secret elements (::before and ::after) to help add static content around your element. In this case we will set up the ::before element with the following...

  content: '';
  border-bottom:4px solid orange;

What is each property here helping acheive?

#hover-border::before What it means
position:absolute; Allows the ::before element to 'float' within the confines of the #hover-border. If #hover-border didnt define a position: relative; value this element could potentially move anywhere on the page.
content: ''; Required for any pseudo-element to indicate what the static content will be otherwise the element will not show. We fake the content here with an empty string.
width: 0; Start off by 'hiding' the element and later modifying the width value to display the element.
height:100%; This will size the element to be the same as #hover-border.
border-bottom:4px solid orange; This is our border lying in wait until a width value > 0 is added. Soon!

3. The hover effect

Now we need to add the logic of what the ::before element will do when its parent #hover-border is hovered over...

	transition: width .5s linear;
#hover-me:hover::before What it means
transition: width .5s linear; When you hover over the #hover-me element add a transition property that will animate any change to the width of the ::before element and make it last for .5s with linear movement. Phew!
width:100%; And since the width value is set to 100%, we will see it grow from 0 to 100%, and as a consequence reveal the border !

4. All together

	font-family: 'Titillium Web', sans-serif;
	color: orange;
	font-size: 2rem;
	content: '';
	border-bottom:4px solid orange;	
	transition: width .5s linear;
<div id="hover-me">Hover Over Me</div>
Hover Over Me

~ Zano

Last Updated: 4/1/2019, 2:05:40 PM